D.A.V Swarnrekha Public School (10+2) VIDYA NAGAR HARMU,RANCHI
C.B.S.E Affiliated Senior Secondary Co-Educational School ( 10+2 )
D.A.V Swarnrekha Public School is a CBSE Affiliated (10+2) school . It was established in the year 2010.It is a Co- educational school based on C.B.S.E pattern. The School is abode to 1200 and more students , 60 and more teachers , and 30 non- teaching staffs. The School premises is located in the heart of city at Vidya Nagar , harmu, Ranchi.
There are labs , smart class-rooms , labs , Library etc in the fully equipped campus.
The school management is committed to provide quality affordable education to the populace . The green campus has achieved several milestones in over a decade of its inception.
Classes - from class Pre -nursery to XIIth standard .
Facilities - Smart Classrooms, fully equipped Labs, Computer Labs, Library , Play-ground.
Dr. Manju Singh, P.hd, M.A
eminent Scholar and Educationist.
30 years experience in Academics
Our Team
Dr. Gangesh Gunjan, P.hd, M.Sc
Eminent Educationist,
30 Yrs experience in Academics
Vice- Principal
Smt. Sneha Jha, M.B.A.
Senior Educationist,
5 Years experience in Academics and finance.
D.A.V Swarnrekha Puublic School is privileged to have a very talented and hardworking team of teaching and non - teaching staff. There are all together 60 faculty Members , along with 30 non-Teaching staff.
Our teachers are highly trained and experienced .
Co-curricular Activities
Apart from imparting quality education , We at D.A.V Swarnrekha Public school strive for overall development of our students. To achieve that we conduct myriad events annually , including participation in inter-national , inter-state , inter- district competitions. some of the events conducted in the school campus are :-
Dancing .
yoga .
quiz competitions .
literary and debates
annual science exhibitions.
annual sports day.
rangoli competetions.
health campus
dental checkups
field and education trips.
fancy dress competitions.
Annual Concert (AAROHAN)
AAROHAN is an annual concert organised by D.A.V Swarnrekha Public School